Enter your Feedback


Customers Survey


Your evaluation helps to improve the quality of their service and provide a better experience to CFA customers in the future.

Operational Efficiency

Chick-fil-A Workshop evaluates the outlets by gathering customer’s experiences on a daily basis.

Get Rewarded

Get rewarded for your appraisals by completing your feedback; you will get a free meal.

MYCFAVISIT – Chick-fil-A Mycfavisit Survey – Get Free meal

Chick-fil-A Survey needs your feedback! They are inviting you to participate in the customer satisfaction survey that is reflected on your receipt. Give feedback to CFA and get a delicious sandwich or free meal. Yet, Your feedback will restrict when you fulfill the below prerequisite. The main focus on these factors:

  • My CFA Visit Survey offers residential of the United States.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You need a Chick-fil-A receipt with the serial number.
  • Serial number use within three days.
MYCFAVISIT - Chick-fil-A Mycfavisit Survey

How to Share feedback with www.mycfavisit.com

Here’s what you need to finish the My CFA Visit Survey (located at www.mycfavisit.com) and redeem the invitation code on your receipt:

  1. Ensure receipt in your hand.
  2. Visit www.mycfavisit.com to launched
  3. Follow the instructions carefully on the website.
  4. Click “Start Feedback” to begin.

Have you recently purchased on the visit Chick-fil-A? If so, your feedback is required!

It would take your couple of minutes to complete CFA feedback and get free delicious sandwiches or meals.

All you need to do is have your CFA receipt handy, be ready to give your honest experience about your recent visit. The review comprises a question to which you should reply alongside furnishing Chick-fil-A with a portion of your private data, for example, Address, Contact and Age, and so on.

I’m Ready to Share My Feedback

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Leave a Comment, If you’re facing any type of hurdle in the Chick-fil-A Customer Satisfaction Survey.

1 reply
  1. Leonard spiker
    Leonard spiker says:

    I imagine you don’t give a way many chicken sandwiches the last three times I bought chic-fil-a an tried to enter i get every thing but how to imput serial # maybe time to try another fast food


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